Coppola is a creative studio based in Athens, Greece, focusing on branding, packaging design and design for social causes.
Our work usually features rational design, solid colors, geometry, subtleness, clean typography and thin lines — plus a light-hearted freehand touch where applicable.
Safe At Work
Safe at Work is a programme that focuses on fighting sexual harrassment in the workplace. Apart from raising awareness, it aims to provide companies with a toolkit to prevent such incidents, suggest a set of company policies in order to deal with complaints and offer educational seminars for all types and levels of employees.

The illustrations - while simplistic and light-hearted - were created in a way and balanced with a color palette that draws the viewers' attention to the hideous nature of the subject and the neccessity of confronting it.

For the launch of the programme we created a video presenting the key points of the programme.
The toolkit includes a set of 3 guides on how to handle / recognize an incident: for HR managers, for employees, and a third one analyzing sexual harassment in the digital space.

Safe At Work is funded by the EEA and Norway Grants and implemented by ActionAid Hellas along with Women On Top, DATAWO, GPMA and the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.